If I could travel around the world, I would visit sooooo many places, so many countries, every continent, I would like to see the whole world! But on this occasion I will chose only one country, England. Why? Well, for lots of reasons, because of its history, its landscapes, architecture, museums, monuments, streets, shops, food, books, music, universities and so on. Seeing so many different people must be awesome, and let’s not forget the British accent, it is kind of sexy. I would like to visit the city and the rural areas; I would go and see Stonehenge, castles, cathedrals and everything in my power.
I know about England what I was taught at school, its history, its language, and what I learnt in a very pop way, thank to cinema, television, books, songs and, of course, internet.
In the city I would tour like crazy, take pictures, save napkins, buy souvenirs, stay in nice hotels, maybe talk to someone and have a lot of fun. I might keep a field dairy.I most definitely would like to live and study there, probably not for ever, but while I complete my studies. Unless my visit proves to be a disaster, and I end up hating everything and everyone, buy I don’t think that will be the case. Besides, I don’t mind the cold and I like the rain.
3 comentarios:
Oh Viki!
When I knew your decision to visit England I thought that you were crazy, because are so many places to visit, that I think are so much interesting than England, but when I read your blog I realized that it`s a good choice!, you describes very well the country, and I want to visit it too.
So, when you go, take me with you!
Vicky I think is great you want to go to study there, but is we are going to live so far!!!! It's a shame!!! But it's a good choice to go to study!!! may be I would visit you!!! (k)(K)
I'd like to visit England too! and for the same reasons that you wrote on your blog. Although I think that you forgot some of the main reasons to visit England; the pubs, the beer, and the Premier League!!!!
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