viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

First Term

Well, it was a good term in general.
At the beginning of the term, my friend Berni and I went to get a piercing! We got it on our ear. I also started doing yoga, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is not boring, as I used to think, and it is very demanding. It has a lot of benefits, for your health and spirit.
I learned a lot about physical anthropology, like estimating sex and age in skeletal remains. Sometimes it was a litte exhausting, but I loved it. Also, I took Italian, it was so much fun! Italian is a beautiful language, the teacher was very nice and I think I was quite good at it.
On July, 4th of July to be more specific, was my birthday, I turned 21 years old. I had a mini celebration at my university, some friends got me a piece of cake (with candles and all) and others got me something to drink. At home my family and I had a nice meal, even some friends from school went to see me and brought me presents! :)
I guess the bigest challenge of the past term was to persist in everything, and get through all the problems that showed up.
So that was my first term, of my third year studing Anthropology (Physical Anthropology of course!).

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